Sheet Best v2 update

Andrew Pierno Andrew Pierno
Written by Andrew Pierno
2 minutes read

The Sheet Best team is very proud to announce the version 2.0 of the platform!

What’s new?


In this version 2.0, Sheet Best uses the concept of connections, which means we increase the possibilities of new data sources in addition to Google Spreadsheet.

Together with the existing Google Sheets connection, there are two new types available for you:

excel Upload

It is possible to upload spreadsheets and use them with the same exact api as the original google sheets one. All REST endpoints are totally functional and there’s even support for tabs.

Google Drive

It is possible now to get a public link of a google drive folder and list its contents through GET requests. There’s a lot of possibilities here, like, for example, using a Gdrive folder to store images to use in a rotating banner in a website.

A new and improved dashboard

Aiming to provide you with a better experience for creating and managing your connections, we revamped the user experience of the dashboard!

You can check all your connections and quota status directly in the homepage:

A view of the new dashboard showing the account usage card and a list of connection cards

Sheet Best new dashboard

And check each connection detail on a dedicated page.

Sheet Best new connection details page

Improved Statistics

The statistics page was also revamped to give you a better understanding of what is going on with your data!

It will now also be possible to filter that connection by a date range or even to show a specific connection.

A view of the new analytics page with a row of pills for each method followed by 3 graphs showing requests by method and by day, hour and day fo the week

Revamped statistics page

New plans for everyone’s necessity

We reworked our monthly plans to better fit our users needs.

If you already have a subscription in one of our previous (now called “Legacy”) plans, we will still keep supporting those with the same prices and quotas as before, but we highly encourage you to upgrade to one of those newer plans to benefit from the newer coming functionality!

New TOS and Privacy Policy

We’ve updated our TOS and Privacy Policy to better reflect the changes in the product. Be sure to check them out!

Much more to come!

All those changes will provide Sheet Best a rock and solid foundation for it to grow, allowing us to improve and provide even more awesome features for you!

Some of the features that we are planning in the near future:

  • OAUTH2 authentication for the connection’s api
  • A REST endpoint to manage your connections programmatically (e.g. create a new connection through an api call)
  • OneDrive integration as a new connection type
  • Special columns (like auto incremented IDs, hidden columns, unique columns, etc)
  • More possibilities to the Sheet Best templates plugin
  • And much more…

We really hope that you like this new release as much as we are liking it! Eager to hear your feedback! :)

Andrew Pierno

Andrew Pierno

Engineering lead

Andrew has a long and deep experience as founder and CTO of multiple companies and led Sheet Best's team for over 2 years