No Code vs. Coding: Which Is Better for Your Business?

Lana Rafaela Cindric Lana Rafaela Cindric
Written by Lana Rafaela Cindric
5 minutes read

There are tons of software solutions on the market you can consider when you want to implement an application in your business. However, sometimes off-the-shelf solutions will simply not do.

When this happens, you have two options. You can opt for no-code development that will allow you to build the solution yourself or go for traditional development by hiring developers to create the application for you. 

In this post, we’ll look at everything you need to know to decide between no-code and traditional development for your business!

Understanding the Difference Between Code and No-Code

Before looking at when you should consider either code or no code, let’s first look at the differences between these two solutions. Understanding these differences is vital in choosing the proper development solution for your business. 

Customization and Complexity

No-code development allows business users to create applications based on their unique needs and requirements. However, to do this, no-code development relies on pre-built components that users can implement in their applications. 

While this offers a simplified application development approach, it lacks the customization options that traditional development provides. Also, traditional development allows businesses to implement more complex functionality into their applications. 

Still, it’s the fastest way to get your app off the ground.

Learning Curve

While no-code simplifies the process of building business applications, it can have a steep learning curve, especially for users without any software development knowledge. As such, it can take some time for these users to learn how to use these tools effectively and get the most value out of them. 

With traditional development, the learning curve is not a problem as the development of the application is left in the hands of skilled and experienced software developers. However, this is a costlier option.


Understandably, when business users can build applications and incorporate features that solve their problems and meet their needs themselves through no-code, it speeds up the development process. 

In terms of no-code vs. coding, traditional development relies on teams of developers and product managers working through different stages to deliver a custom application. 

No-Code vs. Coding Development: Costs

Let’s face it, developing a custom application with traditional development can be expensive. In fact, depending on the application you would like to develop, the costs can run into tens of thousands of dollars. 

In contrast, no-code offers a more affordable option and allows businesses with limited budgets to create custom applications. 

It’s important to remember, though, that the costs of developing a no-code application will vary greatly depending on your platform and the features and integrations you incorporate into the application.


Most no-code platforms provide native, built-in integrations with many other tools and platforms. In most cases, implementing these integrations is as easy as selecting them from a list and turning them on. 

For example, no-code would allow you to turn a Google Sheets spreadsheet into a robust database quickly and easily.

In cases where no native integrations are available, there are also several integration platforms that offer connectors between no-code and other tools. 

With traditional development, this is, unfortunately, not the case. With these applications, custom integrations need to be developed. In turn, this increases not only development time but also the costs of development. 

No-Code vs. Coding: Maintenance and Support

No-code platforms allow users to update applications quickly and easily and provide support when users run into issues. 

Similarly, with custom applications, teams of developers can ensure that applications are always up-to-date. 

So, it seems as if code and no-code are evenly matched regarding maintenance and support. However, in this respect, no-code might be the more affordable option. 

When Should You Use Traditional Development vs. No-Code?

Now that we’ve looked at the differences between code, or traditional development, and no-code, let’s look at when you should consider using traditional development for your business. 

One of the primary reasons why you should consider traditional development is when you need a highly customized and specialized solution. 

A MacBook with lines of code on its screen on a busy desk

This is simply because, while no-code allows you to build customized business applications, it often lacks the flexibility you need. In contrast, traditional development has infinite possibilities, and you’ll be able to incorporate any functionality you like into the app. 

Another case where you should consider traditional development for your business is when you want to build an open-ended solution. In other words, traditional development might be the better solution if you don’t have all the defined requirements and a predetermined structure. It allows you to extend and scale your app and add functionality as your needs evolve. 

When Should You Use No-Code Solutions?

There are several reasons why you might want to consider no-code for your business. 

For one, because no-code allows your team to implement solutions without coding expertise, they can quickly and easily design apps based on their requirements quickly and easily. This results in faster business application development, improved efficiency, and innovation. 

If you want increased agility, no-code is the perfect solution. It allows you to adapt your applications quickly based on your demands. 

Suppose your HR team needs to streamline onboarding. No-code development will give your People Ops an app to supercharge productivity in a few days.

And if these changes don’t work, you can go back to earlier versions of your applications just as quickly. As a result, your business will be more agile and capable of adapting to changing circumstances efficiently.

No-code could also be suitable if your business has unique requirements that require a unique and customized business application. We’ve already mentioned that traditional development provides more customization options, but these come at a price. 

As such, no-code development might be a better option than traditional development when you can’t find an off-the-shelf solution that meets your needs and don’t have the budget for custom software development. 

If you decide that no-code development is the right choice for your business, check out Sheet Best. Our platform allows you to turn your spreadsheets into REST APIs. When you do, you’ll be able to use them in anything from mobile and web applications to simple databases and content management systems. 

To learn more about Sheet Best and how it can enhance your business’s no-code applications, get started for free today!

Lana Rafaela Cindric

Lana Rafaela Cindric

Marketing manager

Leading marketing efforts for Sheet Best and helping our builder community understand and get the most out of the service