How to Streamline Customer Support with No-Code like CHWIC

Lana Rafaela Cindric Lana Rafaela Cindric
Written by Lana Rafaela Cindric
5 minutes read

No customers? No gains. But it’s not enough to win a customer and call it a day. You need to deliver a stellar customer experience from the first interaction to the post-sale process. 

During every step, customer support plays a critical role. Thus, to deliver an excellent customer experience, you’ll need to provide first-class customer support. 

In this post, we’ll show you how you can do this without completely overhauling your operations. 

Enter: no-code tools! 

Why Is Stellar Customer Support Critical?

Even though customer support may not be your product or service, it touches upon every interaction you have with your leads and customers. When you’re able to deliver exceptional customer support, you’ll:

  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Meet your customers’ expectations better
  • Provide a more seamless customer experience
  • Retain more customers and increase customer lifetime value.
  • Increase employee retention
  • Stand out from the crowd and gain a competitive advantage

These are just some of the reasons why customer support is so important. Depending on your circumstances, customers, and industry, there might be many others. 

How No-Code Elevates Your Customer Support Experiences

Unlike traditional development experiences, no-code development allows you to launch stellar customer experience programs in less time (and with lower costs). Other benefits of using no-code to streamline customer support include:

  • No-code tools are easy and intuitive to use. Anyone can use these tools to build a custom solution based on their specific needs and requirements. 
  • No-code reduces your costs. Because your team can create their own custom solutions, you don’t need developers.
  • Increase your customer support efficiency without code. Your team can create solutions that eliminate manual, repetitive tasks.

For instance, the Community Health Impact Coalition (CHIC) used WhatsApp to receive and manage notifications of technical issues on their platform. Using Sheet Best, a no-code tool, allowed them to automate this process. 

The Community Health Impact Coalition logo

  • Effortless scaling. With no-code tools, you can create custom solutions and add new features quickly and easily as your customer service needs evolve. Since the costs and workloads are significantly reduced, you don’t have to go through long learning & iteration cycles. 
  • Faster time to deployment. No-code tools allow you to deploy solutions quickly. You’ll be able to innovate and test more solutions. 
  • Easier maintenance. Finally, when you create a customer support solution with a no-code tool, all the code is already written for you. Apart from making it easier to create the solution, this also makes maintenance simpler. 

How to Streamline Your Customer Support with No-Code

But what can you automate away with no code? 

We recommend looking at your most problematic bottlenecks or inefficiencies. Then, reverse-engineer the solution from there. 

A typical organization might want to automate the following aspects of customer support:

Build a Custom CRM with No-Code

It’s hard to organize and keep track of your lead and customer communication without a CRM (customer relationship management) platform.

The problem is that there are so many of these tools available, and you’ll find that you’ll overpay for features you don’t need or that the tools lack features you do. 

Source: Act!

Fortunately, no-code can help you solve this problem. With it, you can create your own CRM based on your needs and requirements. When you do, you’ll provide your team with a tool that works with and not against them. 

Create Chatbots

Nowadays, chatbots are all the rage. And it’s easy to see why when you consider how they can improve your customer service processes. From generating higher-quality leads to resolving issues faster, chatbots give your customer support team more power.  

Then, chatbots can provide your customers with instant information when they need it or provide answers that could help them sort out any issues. 

Obviously, another benefit of chatbots is that they’re always available. So, your customers don’t need to wait for office hours or replies to emails for their customer support queries. 

Source: Litslink

Finally, you can personalize chatbots based on what your customers want and expect. And here, you can use a no-code tool to create a chatbot conversation database that gives your bot a personality that aligns with your customers’ expectations

As Sheet Best customers, B4B Company, explain:

“All our bots are more intelligent [with Sheet Best]. They can send and get data from Google Sheets, transforming a simple query into a rich conversation with the users.”

Track Customer Service Requests with No-Code Tools

When a customer reports an issue, you don’t just want to create a ticket and keep them in the dark about what you’re doing. Instead, you should communicate with them, so they’re in the loop regarding the issue.

For example, CHIC provides a free advocacy training course for community health workers, especially those from sub-Saharan Africa. As mentioned earlier, its team initially used WhatsApp to receive and deal with technical issues reported by users. 

This was overwhelming for its team; they had to manually track requests and notify users when issues had been sorted out. 

Sheet Best allowed the Community Health Impact Coalition to solve this problem. They used Sheet Best’s no-code tool to create a helpdesk function in the web application and capture user issues directly into a spreadsheet. 

Once the team solved the issue, the spreadsheet and the helpdesk ticket were automatically updated.

As Carey Westgate of the Coalition explains:

“We were trying to streamline the receipt and management of user-reported technical issues. We built a Helpdesk function into the PWA that allows users to submit an issue to our Admin team. The tickets are stored via Sheet Best where they can be assigned by our team and remediated.”

Isn’t It Time to Get Started with Customer Support Automation?

You don’t need significant investments to revolutionize your customer service. This post walked you through just a few examples of how you can quickly and efficiently automate your customer support with no-code tools, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

If you’re ready to start, look at Sheet Best. It lets you turn your spreadsheets into REST APIs in seconds. 

Sheet Best for no code customer support automation

You can then use these APIs for anything from the backend for mobile and web applications, content management systems, chatbot conversation databases, and more. Build the custom solution you need to deliver stellar customer experiences! 

Get started for free.

Lana Rafaela Cindric

Lana Rafaela Cindric

Marketing manager

Leading marketing efforts for Sheet Best and helping our builder community understand and get the most out of the service