Module 2: Basics of Google Sheets Custom Functions and JavaScript

Andrew Pierno Andrew Pierno
Written by Andrew Pierno
3 minutes read

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript language for creating custom functions
  • Understand the structure and syntax of custom functions in Google Sheets
  • Become familiar with Google Sheets objects and methods

Introduction: Building a Solid Foundation

Custom functions within Google Sheets are built using JavaScript, making it vital to understand the fundamentals of this versatile language. In this module, we’ll explore the basics of JavaScript and how it can be employed to create powerful custom functions for your spreadsheets.

2.1 JavaScript Fundamentals for Google Sheets

JavaScript, a widely-used programming language, is the backbone for creating custom functions in Google Sheets. To help you develop custom functions, it’s essential to become familiar with the following JavaScript concepts:

  • Variables: Used to store values, JavaScript variables can be declared using the keywords var, let, or const.
  • Data types: JavaScript supports various data types, such as numbers, strings, and objects.
  • Functions: Functions in JavaScript serve as reusable code blocks that can be called with specific arguments to perform tasks.

2.2 Structure and Syntax of Custom Functions

When creating a custom function in Google Sheets, it is crucial to adhere to a particular structure and syntax. Here is the basic structure of a custom function:

function functionName(argument1, argument2, ...) {
  // Your code here
  return result;

Start by defining the function using the function keyword, followed by a unique name and a list of arguments enclosed in parentheses. Inside the function, write the code that computes the desired outcome. Finally, return the result using the return keyword.

2.3 Variables, Data Types, and Operators in JavaScript

Understanding variables, data types, and operators in JavaScript is vital for creating custom functions. Below are essential concepts:

  • Declaration of variables: Use the keywords var, let, or const to declare variables. For instance, let num = 5;.
  • Data types: JavaScript supports various data types like numbers, strings, objects, and arrays. Depending on the input or output of your custom function, you’ll work with these data types.
  • Operators: JavaScript offers operators such as arithmetic (addition, subtraction), comparison (equal to, not equal to), and logical (AND, OR) operators.

2.4 Working with Google Sheets Objects and Methods

Google Sheets provides a range of objects and methods, enabling you to manipulate the spreadsheet and its contents efficiently. Below are some useful objects and methods:

  • SpreadsheetApp: This object represents the Google Sheets app and provides access to its global resources. For instance, you can use SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() to access the active spreadsheet.
  • Sheet: Represents a specific sheet within a Google Sheets file, accessed using methods like getActiveSheet() and getSheetByName(name).
  • Range: Represents a cell, group of cells, or continuous range. Use methods like getRange(row, column) and setValue(value) to read or write values to cells.

2.5 Basic Error Handling and Debugging

When creating custom functions, it is essential to handle potential errors and debug your code. JavaScript provides the try-catch statement to handle errors. For example:

function customFunction(param) {
  try {
    // Your code here
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error:', error);

In case of an error, the catch block will execute and display the error message in the console. This approach helps to isolate errors and ensures a smooth user experience.


Q: What programming language is suitable for creating custom functions in Google Sheets?

A: Custom functions in Google Sheets are created using the JavaScript programming language.

Q: How do I call a custom function in Google Sheets?

A: Once you create a custom function, you can call it just like any built-in function - typing ”=” followed by the custom function name and arguments enclosed in parentheses.

Module Summary and Key Takeaways:

In this module, we learned the key concepts and foundational knowledge of JavaScript necessary for creating custom functions in Google Sheets. With this understanding, we’re now ready to dive into more advanced topics and create increasingly powerful custom functions.

Andrew Pierno

Andrew Pierno

Engineering lead

Andrew has a long and deep experience as founder and CTO of multiple companies and led Sheet Best's team for over 2 years