Module 3: Advanced Google Sheets Custom Functions

Andrew Pierno Andrew Pierno
Written by Andrew Pierno
4 minutes read

Key Takeaways:

  • Utilize array formulas in custom functions for powerful data manipulation
  • Implement error handling and provide user feedback within custom functions
  • Access external APIs and data sources using custom functions
  • Improve performance using the Cache Service in your custom functions
  • Master advanced debugging techniques to identify and address issues

Introduction: Unlocking the Full Potential of Custom Functions

In the previous modules, we explored the basics of Google Sheets and learned how to create simple custom functions. However, to truly harness the power of custom functions, it’s essential to delve into their advanced capabilities. In this module, we’ll explore how to utilize array formulas, access external APIs, implement error handling, enhance performance, and much more.

3.1 Utilizing Array Formulas in Custom Functions

Array formulas in Google Sheets are a powerful tool that lets you perform calculations on entire ranges or arrays of cells rather than single values. They can significantly boost the efficiency and readability of your custom functions.

You can create an array formula in a custom function by using the `ArrayFormula` function in Google Sheets or returning an array from your JavaScript code. When working with arrays in JavaScript, be sure to define the dimensions and structure of the expected output array, as well as any required data manipulation operations.

3.2 Handling User Errors and Providing Feedback

User errors can occur when the data being processed by a custom function is invalid or unexpected. Incorporating error handling and providing user feedback within your custom functions will improve usability and reduce confusion.

To handle user errors in JavaScript:

  • Use try-catch statements to catch exceptions and return informative error messages
  • Validate user input by checking for specific criteria or conditions
  • Utilize JavaScript’s built-in error objects, such as TypeError, RangeError, or create custom error classes

3.3 Accessing External APIs and Data Sources

Custom functions can greatly benefit from using external APIs and data sources to fetch real-time information or supplement the existing data in your Google Sheet. Some popular use cases include fetching stock prices, currency exchange rates, or data from a company’s internal APIs.

To access external APIs and data sources in custom functions:

  • Use UrlFetchApp.fetch (Google Apps Script) or fetch (Script Editor) to make HTTP requests
  • Read and understand the API’s documentation to ensure proper usage, authentication, and data handling
  • Parse the received data and return it in a format suitable for your Google Sheet

Keep in mind that API requests may be subject to rate limits and data privacy concerns. Always check the API’s terms of service and inform your users about the data collection process.

3.4 Using the Cache Service for Improved Performance

The cache service in Google Sheets allows you to store and retrieve data more efficiently within your custom functions. It temporarily stores data in the memory, enabling faster access and reducing the load on external services or APIs.

To use the cache service:

  • Choose between the private (Script-only), public (Document-level), or global (User-level) caches depending on your requirements
  • Set the cache policy, such as the expiration duration and maximum size
  • Store, retrieve, and clear cache data using the cache service methods, such as put, get, and remove

Caching is particularly useful for custom functions that perform time-consuming data retrieval or computation tasks, as it can significantly improve overall performance.

3.5 Advanced Debugging Techniques

Debugging is an essential skill when working with custom functions, as it ensures your code is functioning correctly and efficiently. Some advanced debugging techniques for custom functions include:

  • Using the built-in logging features in Google Apps Script or the Script Editor to trace issues
  • Implementing step-by-step debugging using breakpoints and inspecting variables at runtime
  • Examining the Google Sheets API requests and responses for potential problems
  • Utilizing third-party debugging and profiling tools to gain deeper insights into your code’s performance

Remember, refining your debugging skills will save you time and effort in identifying and resolving issues within your custom functions.


Q: Can I integrate data from multiple external APIs within a single custom function?

A: Yes, you can make multiple API requests in a custom function, as long as you stay within the limits of the APIs and manage them efficiently.

Q: Are there any limits, such as the number of requests or execution time, for custom functions in Google Sheets?

A: Yes, custom functions in Google Sheets have several quotas and limits, including limits on total script execution time, URL fetch calls, and concurrent requests. For more information, check the Google Sheets API documentation.

Module Summary and Key Takeaways:

Module 3 helped you unlock the full potential of custom functions in Google Sheets by covering advanced topics such as array formulas, error handling, external APIs, caching, and debugging. As you progress through the course, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to create powerful, seamless custom functions that cater to your unique requirements.

Andrew Pierno

Andrew Pierno

Engineering lead

Andrew has a long and deep experience as founder and CTO of multiple companies and led Sheet Best's team for over 2 years